
Adam Kokesh Body Slammed by Police for Dancing at Jefferson Memorial

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Adam Kokesh is a libertarian. I do not always agree with him. His anti-Iraq stance was one that I did not agree with, not because of the argument of whether or not we should have gone into Iraq in the first place, but whether or not we should have finished what we started. I am a firm believer that though an argument can be made for invading Iraq, and an equally persuasive argument can be made for not invading Iraq, once we were in that theater of war we had to complete what we started - no different than a doctor, after opening a body for a surgery, cannot just walk away. The doctor, whether the surgery was the right move or not, has to complete the operation, close the body, and apply the proper care after the operation is finished.

That said, I support Adam Kokesh's right to believe what he believes, and to protest in a constitutionally legal manner (Amendment I . . . freedom of speech . . . or the right of the people peaceably to assemble). His recent dance party at the Jefferson Memorial was designed to prove a point, and I think he proved it well. In this country we teeter on being a police state. I believe government has its place, and I believe that law enforcement has an important role in our society. However, since when can the police arrest without reason, or body slam a person for Adam Kokesh's actions?

You be the judge:

Dance Party at TJ's

Adam Kokesh

I may not always agree with Adam Kokesh, and some of his views are completely contrary to mine, but on this one Adam is correct to be angered by the treatment he received. It may have been perceived as a spectacle, and it may not have been consistent with the expected trail of behavior the police demand from us . . . but isn't that what is supposed to make America great? Our individuality?

Would a group have been arrested violently like this for praying?

Would a group have been arrested violently like this for singing God Bless America?

Would a group have been arrested violently like this for acting in any manner other than a good little tourist as expected?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


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