
Obama's Wisconsin

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
By Douglas V. Gibbs

What happened in Wisconsin was that the State government has been spending more than it has coming in, and when Governor Walker decided he had to put a stop to the excessive spending to save the State's budget, the union people went nuts whining and crying and throwing temper tantrums because they were going to get less money from the treasury and have to pay just a little more on "benefits." By the way, the average person with a private sector job pays much more for benefits that are not as good.

That's what happens when government hands out money. Those on the receiving end believe they are entitled to those gifts from the government treasury indefinitely, and freak out if even one penny less starts to fall into their hot little hands. To keep the recipients happy, and to continue to get their votes (which is why the politicians began to hand out the money in the first place... for votes, the politician has to keep it up. If the leftists don't keep doling out the money, it will cost the Democrat Party votes. It doesn't matter to them that the spending is unsustainable. It's about the power, and to keep their power, they have to keep the votes, and to keep the votes, they have to keep dishing out money the government doesn't have. It has nothing to do with compassion. It is all about votes.

Now that conservatives like Paul Ryan are working on reducing the spending, the leftists are banking on the recipients of all this spending to go nuts like they did in Wisconsin. Then they will accuse the Republicans of making the poor go hungry, and leaving the homeless without a place to stay, and forcing grannies to eat cat food.

Some of the entitlement receivers will go nuts, as expected, because that is what free-loaders do. But America has come to the realization that all of this spending is not sustainable, and therefore must be dealt with. We have reached a tipping point, and either we gain control of all this spending, or the economy collapses.

Walker was smart enough to head disaster off by making serious changes to State spending, that includes deals with the unions.

Obama, however, is an ideologue. He hates the private sector, and it is his goal to collapse the system so that he may erect a socialistic system that puts to death the free market. It takes private businesses to grow the economy, but the only thing Obama and the Democrats are interested in growing is the government.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


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