
Coney Island Rationing Toilet Paper

Friday, July 8, 2011
In tough economic times, everyone needs to make some sacrifices. But is rationing toilet paper really necessary?

NYC's Coney Island seems to be so strapped for cash that they have to limit the amount of toilet paper used per person.

Before entering a restroom stall, boardwalk visitors were forced to stand in "ration lines" to receive their allocated amount of toilet paper from a Parks Department employee.

Regina Ballone, 25, of Brooklyn visited a boardwalk bathroom at West 16th Street Wednesday and was "grossed out" at the thought of someone else handling her toilet paper.

"Never in my life have I experienced anything like this," she said.

"I walked toward a stall, and a bathroom attendant stopped me by shouting, 'Hey, mami! There's no toilet paper here,' and she whipped out a big roll for me to grab some."


-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


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