By Douglas V. Gibbs
As a resident of California, born and raised in the Southern California region, I am fully aware of California's problems - all of which take root in the idiotic liberal leadership this State suffers under. As a Christian Conservative Constitutionalist, I am truly a minority in this State. Where I live, Murrieta, is about as conservative as they get in the L.A. metropolitan area - yet, even here liberalism runs amok destroying everything it touches.
I am told often by my friends around the country that I need to get out of this State. California is a lost cause, they say. Even Rush Limbaugh, a couple weeks ago, proclaimed that California is lost. I disagree. Nothing is ever truly lost. As long as one stands for liberty, liberty lives. As long as one is willing to proclaim the truth, the truth lives. I am an optimist, and I believe that the hard work of the Tea Party, and conservative patriots in this State, California can be turned around. Besides, if I were to leave, who'd fight the good fight?
The running joke is that when the next big one hits, the earthquake will drop the coastal edge of the State into the Pacific Ocean. Since the majority of the liberal areas are along the coast, when the big one hits, and the liberal coastal cities drop into the ocean, California will become a red state.
From taking back the State, to the Big One, there has been another option floating around. Jeff Stone, a local Riverside County official, has called for thirteen counties to secede from California, forming a new State called, appropriately enough, "Southern California." The counties in this proposal do not include Los Angeles. In fact, the only coastal counties are San Diego and Orange. This new State would focus on the things that old California refuses to address, like securing the border with Mexico, and balancing the budget.
Personally, I am thinking the new State should be called "Free California," and the other would be "The Democratic Socialist Republic of California." After the split, I would expect the leftists to put up a wall between the two States to keep their California-bloc citizens inside the communist zone. I told my friend who lives in Inglewood to move to Riverside County, because once the wall goes up, he'll be stuck in Hell.
I doubt the secession movement will gain enough steam, but if it did, I would be all for it. If you can't change the whole for the better, then cut off the rotten parts.
California is a prime example of what happens when liberalism is in control. This State has been destroyed, its economy is in shambles, education is a joke, taxes are out of control, and the social engineering by Sacramento would make Vladimir Lenin proud.
Nonetheless, I am an optimist. If California doesn't turn around soon, we will hit rock bottom, and it is when an addict hits rock bottom that the truth finally makes an appearance.
After total collapse, either the State (like Europe is doing now) will begin to move back in a sane political direction, or it will become a prison zone like in a Kurt Russell movie.
I prefer the idea that California would pull its head out of its butt, and abandon the sickness of liberalism.
One can hope.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Official Calls for Riverside, 12 Other Counties To Secede From California - CBS Los Angeles
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