
Liberal Conditioning of America Sets Sights on Elderly

Saturday, July 9, 2011

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Logan's Run, the movie that turned a Sandman into a runner, revolves around a society that disallows people to live beyond the age of 30 (21 in the book). The living space in the domed city is just way too tight for any more people than they have, so once folks are not at their peak performance age, they must be "renewed." Interestingly enough, the movie and book came out during the same basic time period the "Population Bomb" hit bookstore shelves (The Logan's Run novel came out in 1967, The Population Bomb in 1968, The Logan's Run Movie in 1976). The conditioning by the political ruling elite that they needed more authorities in order to control this alleged population problem so that they could achieve a sustainable development of society was in high gear.

Agenda 21 anybody?

Al Gore recently indicated that he now believes population control is necessary to save us from ourselves. We have too many people, his echo of the early seventies cried out. The government has to limit our reproduction. Less babies (and I am sure death panels will follow). The eugenics and euthanasia Carrousel of madness has spun back around, and the liberal masters desire to thin out the herd.

This push to control population, like the desire to control man-made global warming, finds its premise in a hoax. The basic design of these policies is based on the Marxist belief that in order to reach communist utopia, the population must be forced to comply with the master plan. A part of the re-education of society so that it may be herded towards a global socialist master plan would be to wipe out the traditional social bonds of family, work and religion. By eliminating the family bond, the individual desire to achieve through hard work and independent success, and the faith by millions in God, the government will naturally rise to the top of the food chain with all competition eliminated.

Humanism teaches that we are nothing more than chemical balances and electrical impulses. Humans are no different than the animals, claims the progressive overlords, and humans should be grown much like a crop, with no familial bonds, no religion, and no parental guidance under the watchful eye of the ruling elite who are capable of understanding the needs of society in ways that the cattle could never understand. Government must be all things to all people, in order for the liberal progressives to achieve their fair and equitable society. Social justice can only be achieved, they believe, if all of us are no different from each other. No family, no religion, no gender differences, no achievement, no wealth. Our existence, they believe, should only be for making society the best it can be - with them at the helm of power, of course.

In the future dreamed up by progressive liberals, humans at the peasant level (ruling elite and peasants are the only two classes they wish to allow to exist) should be no more than something like computer programs, programmed through government inspired education to serve the higher purpose of the larger societal design put in place by the all-knowing, all-wise progressive leadership. The secular society will give all praise to the mighty government, proclaiming that their dependence upon the government through the progressive's gracious entitlement programs is all of the proof they need that the Atheist Society of Communism and Socialism is all they need in their lives.

"All hail the mighty and benevolent government!"

It is the liberal progressive's goal to reduce humanity to a mere ordinary organism that functions at the pleasure of The State. Individuality, family, religion, self-reliance and personal responsibility must all be abolished to achieve this.

In Logan's Run the people were maintained in their domed cities by being convinced that there was an ecological catastrophe that remains prevalent. To leave the protective arm of the government would result in a miserable death at the hands of the dying Earth outside, which, or course, had been destroyed by humanity himself.

Environmentalism takes the lead, and then once everyone believes that only through governmental regulations can the planet be saved, all of the other insidious liberal progressive plans fall right into place.

Revolution begins with the knowledge that the tripe we are being fed by the liberal left is all a lie. Man-made global warming is a hoax. Keynesian economic theories destroy economies. Net Neutrality is just another way for the government to gain control over the sharing of information. Supporting homosexual behavior is just another attempt to undermine the family unit, as is mandatory pre-school and the secular teaching methods of the public school system. There is no population problem. The Democrats are destroying the greatest nation on Earth because they hope to change America into something the founders never intended: A Socialist State beyond something that even the Soviets hoped to achieve.

Tyranny is tyranny, and the way to stop it is a revolution against the oppressors. That revolution begins with knowledge. Education, with the truth at the center of that education, is the key. This is a war of information, and those that remember the truth, and how the greatness of America was achieved, is the older generation. Therefore, if the elderly are the key to educating the society of the truth, as far as the liberal progressives are concerned, the elderly must be made dependent upon the government so that they won't rock the boat, or they must be somehow silenced in another way, or they must be eliminated.

We are presently being conditioned to hate the elderly, to see them as a drag on society. The creation of Death Panels in Obamacare was just the start. Now, the liberal progressives are taking it to a whole new level. The Associated Press just put out an article titled: "Aging Boomers Strain Cities Built For The Young."

You may come to your own conclusions, but the insinuation is obvious.

The liberals have been working to destroy the family by attacking parental rights, attacking marriage, and pushing abortion. The liberals have been attacking religion by proclaiming "separation of church and state," and using it to stop a group of kids from praying on the steps of the Supreme Court, stopping a kid from carrying a Bible in school, and teaching society secularism and humanism in the schools and through the media. The liberals have attacked and attacked and attacked. They are doing all that they can to destroy what makes a free society function, so that they may create a dystopian society where the oppressed suffer under a totalitarian controlled state, under the guise of it being a utopia.

Only the knowledge held in the minds of the older generation, they believe, stands in their way.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Al Gore, Agenda 21 and Population Control - The American Dream

The Population Bomb - Wikipedia

Logan's Run - Wikipedia

Outlawing America and God While Encouraging Immorality - Political Pistachio

Aging Boomers Strain Cities Built For The Young - The Times Leader

No free pass for Medicare recipients in debt talks - Associated Press


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