Political Pistachio
- by HOV Radio
- in Politics Conservative
- on Sat, Jul 9, 2011 04:00PM
Liberal policies are based on the Marxist model for a communist utopia. The people must be forced to comply with the master plan. The re-education of society to achieve a global socialist master plan includes wiping out the traditional social bonds of family, work and religion. By eliminating the family bond, the individual desire to achieve, and the faith by millions in God, the government will naturally rise to the top of the food chain with all competition eliminated.
Humans are no different than animals, claims progressives, and humans should be grown much like a crop, with no familial bonds, no religion, and no parental guidance under the watchful eye of the ruling elite who are capable of understanding the needs of society in ways that the cattle could never understand. Government must be all things to all people, in order for the liberal progressives to achieve their fair and equitable society. Social justice can only be achieved if all of us are no different from each other. No family, no religion, no gender differences, no achievement, no wealth. Our existence should only be for making society the best it can be - with liberals in the lead.
In the liberal future humans at the peasant level should be no more than something like computer programs, programmed through government inspired education to serve the higher purpose of the larger societal design put in place by the all-knowing, all-wise progressive leadership. Society will give all praise to the mighty government, proclaiming that their dependence upon the government through the progressive's gracious entitlement programs is all of the proof they need that the Atheist Society of Communism and Socialism is all they need in their lives.
Conservative News and Commentary
Liberal policies are based on the Marxist model for a communist utopia. The people must be forced to comply with the master plan. The re-education of society to achieve a global socialist master plan includes wiping out the traditional social bonds of family, work and religion. By eliminating the family bond, the individual desire to achieve, and the faith by millions in God, the government will naturally rise to the top of the food chain with all competition eliminated.
Humans are no different than animals, claims progressives, and humans should be grown much like a crop, with no familial bonds, no religion, and no parental guidance under the watchful eye of the ruling elite who are capable of understanding the needs of society in ways that the cattle could never understand. Government must be all things to all people, in order for the liberal progressives to achieve their fair and equitable society. Social justice can only be achieved if all of us are no different from each other. No family, no religion, no gender differences, no achievement, no wealth. Our existence should only be for making society the best it can be - with liberals in the lead.
In the liberal future humans at the peasant level should be no more than something like computer programs, programmed through government inspired education to serve the higher purpose of the larger societal design put in place by the all-knowing, all-wise progressive leadership. Society will give all praise to the mighty government, proclaiming that their dependence upon the government through the progressive's gracious entitlement programs is all of the proof they need that the Atheist Society of Communism and Socialism is all they need in their lives.
Conservative News and Commentary
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