
Heavy Government Spending Has Failed, Progressives Panic

Sunday, June 5, 2011
"It is a wise rule and should be fundamental in a government disposed to cherish its credit, and at the same time to restrain the use of it within the limits of its faculties." -- Thomas Jefferson

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Republicans, and some of the Democrats, in the House of Representatives voted against raising the debt ceiling. This was the first step in getting excessive government spending under control. Liberalism fails wherever it is tried, and the progressive Keynesian policies of the Obama administration are failing badly.

As proven by Harding and Coolidge in the 1920s, the way to turn around a hobbling economy, and to spur economic growth, is to encourage growth in the private sector by reducing taxes, reducing spending, and relaxing the regulatory restraints against the business sector. As proven by Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the way to cripple an economy is to increase taxes, increase spending, put all of the emphasis on public works and government jobs, and increase regulations against the private sector.

An increase in credit doesn't work in individual households as a way to turn around economic conditions, and it doesn't work at the government level either. Government spending is destroying this nation, and is one of many of the things that must be gotten under control if we are to turn this thing around.

In addition to excessive government spending, and other liberal governmental policies, one of the largest obstacles in the drive to advance our economy are the labor unions (both public and private). The public sector unions, however, are the more dangerous of the two. The public sector unions are quite literally a money exchange for votes scheme by the Democrats, and is a political conflict of interest. As long as bureaucracies, excessive regulations, and unions stand in the way of private industry growth, our economy will remain stagnant. Our system has come to the point that no business activity is allowed without permission from the state. Businesses face punitive actions by the government if they make a profit, and must jump through so many hoops to get off the ground that the American dream of entrepreneurism has been stifled to a whimper by our government. Without new businesses, and the growth of existing business, our economy will not be able to sustain itself, and we will be in store for yet another Great Depression.

Liberal policies are fueling this recession, and are pushing us towards economic collapse.

The Democrats are seeing the consequences of their policies over the last few years, and the results are devastating. The federal government is borrowing 40 cents of every dollar it spends. The accumulated national debt stands at nearly 70 percent of the country’s annual economic output, set to climb to 100 percent by the end of this decade. And according to some comparisons, the U.S. economy is already in worse shape than the stumbling economies of most European nations.

The economy is so depressed that the liberal Democrats are in a panic. The liberal left has been trying to spin that the recession has been over, and that a recovery is in process, yet every indicator except their flapping lips tells us otherwise.

Reports on manufacturing and company hiring are so weak that economists are beginning to downgrade their forecasts. Estimates for growth have been slashed because there has been virtually no growth since this gaggle of leftist authoritarians have been in office. Now the liberal media is beginning to talk about a double-dip recession. There is no double dip. The recession never ended. Under the liberal policies of the Democrats, everything has simply been getting worse.

Economic data has shown dramatic drops, the Dow is suffering and calling for another regiment of cash printing (QE3) to keep the market from crumbling, and home sales have dropped more seriously than even during the depression era. The Democrats are beginning to panic. Their policies have destroyed our economy, and their ridiculous socialist attempts have only grown the government, not the private sector. Obama's policies have failed to revitalize the economy, and some of the Democrats are actually starting to listen to reason. Panic is setting in. They tried to convince everyone a recovery had set in, but one never appeared, and now everything is crumbling. The numbers don't lie. There was never a recovery. The progressive policies of the liberal Democrats have pushed back any hope of recovery, and are quite literally worsening the situation to the point that we are now in such a grave circumstance, that only drastic tax cutting and regulation easing measures will pull us out of this tail spin.

Innovation and growth comes from the private sector, not government. Innovation and growth comes from a free market, and the Democrats are trying destroy our capitalistic system. The economy is suffering precisely because the government has been tweaking the system, perhaps pulling a Cloward-Piven strategy. It takes a free market, and government getting the hell out of the way, for productivity levels to increase, and for our market economy to get moving again.

The Democrats are incredibly disconnected. They don't understand our economy because they are bean counters. Few of them have been a part of the market, have had to worry about making payroll, or has had to deal with the regulatory madness imposed on our businesses by our overly intrusive federal government.

Last May only 38,000 jobs were created. It takes a few hundred thousand jobs being created just to keep the needle from moving. It will take half a million a month just to start moving things in the opposite direction. There is no recovery, businesses are suffering, there is no growth, no jobs being created, and the bureaucrats of Washington are trying to figure out how to increase budget deficits to cover all of their unnecessary, and economy hindering, programs.

The flawed ideas of liberalism, progressivism, socialism, or whatever you want to call these authoritarian statist's ideology, does not work. We are in a mess because of liberal policies. But since 2007, when the Democrats gained control of Congress, the liberal policies worsened, the progressive push increased, and it has destroyed our economy.

We cannot afford to raise the debt ceiling, and we cannot continue to spend money we simply do not have.

Manufacturing, housing, auto sales, jobs, all of these parts of the economy will not grow unless government intrusion is lessened. This is a big disaster because of liberal policies.

And who do these people blame?

Businesses! You've heard them. Their complaint is that corporations are sitting on their money.

Would you seek to grow in such an uncertain political environment where the only sure thing is that the Democrats are seeking more ways to screw businesses and gain more government control over the market?

The leftist media has even begun to blame you, because there are some people that have just plain given up looking for work.

It couldn't possibly be the government's fault, right?

And mind you, these are the same idiots that are claiming Obama will be unbeatable in the next election. Over half of the people disagree with his policies, and even the liberal leaning manipulated polls are starting to show such a tendency, yet they also claim Obama is just too popular to be beat.

The numbers don't add up. How can everyone be against the idiot's policies, yet be willing to re-elect the jerk?

The unemployment rate, and growth, will improve if we eliminate the capital gains tax, eliminate the death tax, reduce taxes across the board, reduce the regulatory stranglehold on our business sector, and reduce spending drastically on entitlement programs that literally encourage people not to work. With all of that, we should see at least 400,000 new jobs per month, which is exactly the number we need for any real reduction in the unemployment rate. Where is it now? 9.1%? That is the objective. Anything less will continue to cause our economic conditions to sputter.

It is a simple matter of economics. Supply and demand. We are not experiencing the simple cyclical nature of economics. We are experiencing the consequences of big government by Democrats, and Republicans. Without a serious retreat by government out of the picture, our woes will only increase.

We have history on our side. It worked when Harding and Coolidge used these methods, and it worked when Reagan put these kinds of policies into place. In the past our economy has suffered as it is now, and conservative policies each time resulted in making our economy healthy, putting it in good shape, giving us a roaring economy.

And the liberal left progressive Democrats would never put these tried and true policies into place. Why? Because they fear those policies. Conservative economic policies pose the greatest threat to the Democrat Party they could ever imagine. The Democrat Party needs people to be dependent on government, to be down and out and reaching for help from the government. That's how they stay in power. That's how they get their votes. And the Democrats know they are in big trouble. That's why they have been relentlessly attacking conservatives like Sarah Palin. They want to keep these people away from them. A conservative in the presidency may set them back decades, if not destroy the party altogether. Economic growth with reduced tax rates, smaller government, less government involvement in people's lives, argues against the need for liberals. That's why they rewrite history regarding Reagan and Coolidge and the like. Without big government, and if conservatism is known by the populace to truly be a successful strategy as history has shown, it would spell the end of progressivism, and the end of the Democrat Party.

Barack Obama told us during his campaign that he would fundamentally change the way the United States economy works. His is a foreign idea that is not American. His is not of individualism, liberty, self-reliance and personal responsibility. His is a system of reliance on government, collectivism, and nanny-state policies.

Liberalism fails whenever it is tried, and to turn this country around and improve our economic situation, we need to divorce ourselves from progressivism. Otherwise, these economic downturns will continue to emerge.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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House Republicans Voice Frustration Over Debt During Meeting With Obama - Fox News

The Debt Is Not A Game, Mr. President - Heritage Foundation

House rejects ‘clean’ debt-ceiling hike, 318-97 - The Washington Times

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SHAPIRO: Pro-union policies stifle innovation, recovery - Washington Times

Mark Steyn: Cowed by udderly insane regulations - Orange County Register

Boneheaded Stimulus Never Works - CNBC

Depressing Unemployment Numbers Today Exacerbated by Crushing Regulations, Obama Labor Union Agenda - Competitive Enterprise Institute

Unemployment rises to 9.1%; hiring slows to 54K new jobs - GOP USA

David Limbaugh: Time is running out to solve the debt problem - GOP USA

REPORT: Federal Employees Spent 3 Million Hours of Official Time on Union Activities - Patriot Action Network

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Economic news is bad for Obama’s reelection bid - Washington Post


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