
Stamping Out God From Your Brain - FUNVAX Vaccination Against Religious Fundamentalism

Sunday, June 5, 2011
By Douglas V. Gibbs

I am not one to necessarily follow conspiracy theories, or follow after folks like Alex Jones, or jump to conclusions without evidence to support data I am exposed to. This is not to say that I don't believe there is some truth to many of the conspiracy theories that float around out there. Even the greatest lies find within their foundations brief elements of truth. Some conspiracy theories, though rife with incredibly ridiculous claims, often touch on the truth more than people realize. Sometimes, without evidence, we just feel that certain things are indeed going on, or could be true. Without evidence, it has always been understood that there are segments of our society, and governmental system, that look down upon religion, and would be very happy if God was eliminated from human behavior once and for all.

When the evidence reveals itself, even though we knew something was possibly afoot, it is still shocking.

God is not compatible with the authoritarian political system that progressives desire to establish. Those with religious tendencies tend to be, in the opinion of the statists, too independent in their thought, and place God at a higher level of importance in their lives than government. Therefore, as Karl Marx pointed out, as Saul Alinsky pointed out, and as every progressive authoritarian system has attempted, God must be eliminated.

Authoritarian political systems tend to be anti-religious, or a theocracy as in the case of Islam. The secular authoritarian systems all attempted to stamp out religion every chance they could muster. From the French Revolution, to the Russian Revolution, to the current secular nature of the American liberal, religion is the enemy. But persecution of Christianity, for example, has not destroyed the faith, but has strengthened it. Physically removing religion from our culture seems not to be possible. The Romans tried it, the French tried it, the Russians tried it, and Castro in Cuba tried it - and each time the attempt not only failed, but made the religion stronger. So how, the secular authoritarian progressives have asked themselves, can they go about to remove religion when the very attempt to remove religion has failed time and time again, and ultimately strengthens religion?

The anti-religious progressive liberals in the United States Government believe they have found what will work. If God cannot be removed from the physical world, then he must be removed from the minds of the worshippers.

Scientists, and now also American Government scientists, have concluded that a gene causes people to be religious, and that it is possible to stamp out God by manipulating the brain with a virus to eliminate religious tendencies - and they are discussing how to accomplish that in meetings at the Pentagon RIGHT NOW!

To these people it is just a matter of behavior control, so as to eliminate yet another obstacle standing in the way of their plan for utopianism. Remember, secular progressives believe that humanity is evolving towards a singularity in which society will be fully neutral and just - and the only thing standing in the way is religion.

According to some figures in the Pentagon, religious behavior is fanatical behavior, therefore it must be quelled. They treat it as if it is a disease, or a mental handicap. The cause of this undesirable behavior is the God Gene, or VMAT2. These officials believe that an individual's ability to believe in God is a consequence of genes, and that it is something the individual has no control over. Faith in any kind of religion is detrimental to the proper functioning of society (as they deem society to run) and therefore the tendency to be religious, if it is indeed caused by a gene that is directly responsible for an inherited predisposition for spirituality, must be suppressed.

For some reason movies like "Equilibrium" and George Lucas' THX-1138 - in the sense of mind control by the government - comes to mind.

According to some Pentagon officials, "Fundamentalists" of a religious nature are dangerous, and that may be true to some and is some cases. Persons who do not show fundamental religious tendencies are "safe" citizens, according to these progressives, and therefore the more desired type of people in society. The goal, rather than remove the people that are undesirable, is to reprogram the undesirables so that they will function in society in an acceptable manner.

Is the concept of Eugenics coming to mind at all?

The means to accomplish the elimination of an undesired behavior like religion, which these people believe to be the sole source of violence and strife in the world, is to deliver a virus into the bodily systems of these religious people. The virus, the theory goes, would neutralize VMAT2, and enable a secular society of peace loving, daisy dancing, unicorn riding individuals to arise instead. In other words, a vaccination would resolve the over-expression of the VMAT2 gene, making those religious folk just like everyone else. . . calm and compliant.

On the surface, doesn't "behavior control" by government means seem a bit oppressive to you?

The proposal suggests that CT Scans while someone is being read religious text can determine an individual's predisposition towards religion, and if the brain does not show that the person is disgusted by the reading of religious text, the behavior modification technique involving the introduction of a virus into that person's system will be pursued. The virus would, according to these people, immunize against the VMAT2 gene, and render the fanatical religious person harmless. The aim is to turn, as the speaker in the below video indicates, a religious fanatic into a normal person.

The delivery of the virus is expected to be accomplished best through respiratory viruses, such as the flu, which will enable exposure of the largest groups of people at a time.

Monkeying with the flu? The Stand by Stephen King suddenly emerges in my mind.

Mind you, the initial intent of this program, according to the video, is to vaccinate Islamic extremists, which leads one to reason this is not necessarily only a Democrat proposal. Republicans of the progressive persuasion are no doubt also in favor of this sinister project. But how many times have we heard progressives, and even the text of Department of Homeland Security documents, lump the "religious right" into the same box of undesirables with the religious extremists of Islam? How many times has the liberal media called Christians "fundamentalists," or how many times has the Department of Homeland Security called Christians "potential domestic terrorists?" If this project was to work so well with Islam (not that it would - Faith doesn't work that way), what would stop them from attempting to use this virus against anyone they deem unacceptably religious?

The problem here is not if they can succeed in such an attempt, but the very fact that they are seriously attempting to accomplish this sinister deed in the first place.

Another point to consider is that if religion is just a matter of genetics, then how do they explain the millions of Muslims? Do the Muslims all have this alleged genetic defect?

Lastly, who gives these people the right to determine that an entire population must be rewired? I agree that Islam is a violent ideology, and a problem that could lead to a confrontation not unlike what we experienced with Nazism. But for these people to determine that those people must be reprogrammed, or that anyone should be reprogrammed, with the introduction of a virus, is absolutely insane.

Understand this: There are segments of the population, including officials in our government, that believe your faith in God is caused by a defective gene, and that it is their moral responsibility and duty to eradicate that desire to worship God from you, even if it means manipulating you through gene therapy, chemical regiments, or viral infection. In the end, they believe it is for your own good, and for society's good, if your religion is eradicated from society by simply eliminating your desire to believe in God from your brain. They would not stop with "those barbaric religious people of the Muslim World." As with anything government does, the evil progresses to levels nobody could predict.

This has serious implications that even the most wacko conspiracy theorist would be amazed over.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


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