
Liberal Madness. It's Like A Disease.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
By Douglas V. Gibbs

If it wasn't so serious, it would be funny.

Every single thing the liberals say and do has gotten to the point that I shake my head at the poor dummies, and wonder how it could possibly be true that they do, say, or believe the things they do, say and believe. Everything about the liberals are a contradiction, or backwards stance. Even the truth, with evidence attached, slapping them in the face is not enough to break them from their trance. What they do, if applied anywhere else, would be either illegal, or unacceptable behavior. Yet, in the world of liberals, and big government, they see absolutely nothing wrong with their insanity.

Let's take a few cases in point.

Obama's recent news conference where he "scolded" the Republicans:

All of the headlines use words like "presses," "scolds," and "rebuked" when referring to the recent press conference temper tantrum by Barry Obama. Ol' Big Ears was trying to sound tough so that he can look like the adult, and the only words of reason against those evil Republicans. Instead, Obama made himself look like an idiot, and once again show how out of touch he is with reality, the country, and even the words he has said in the past.

Liberals also claim to be in support of a woman's choice, unless of course that choice is to keep the baby and be against abortion. Some choices are just considered unacceptable to those pro-choice purveyors of the murder of babies.

In schools, or at least I was told recently about this in Murrieta schools, gay couples are allowed to show public display of affection on campus, yet if heterosexual couples do the same, they suffer punishment because a public display of affection beyond holding hands is not allowed.

They claim to be about equality, but if that isn't preferential treatment, I don't know what is.

Of course the liberals see nothing wrong with this. Their madness blinds them of the truth.

Finally, Obama claimed that he would end the lobbyists grip on Washington. Yet, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's ties to lobbyist groups may include government corruption, fraud and unethical behavior.

If she were a Republican, it would be all over the media. In the case of Hillary, the State Department has been working to conceal her treachery.


-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Hillary Clinton's ties to lobbyist concealed by State Dept. - Examiner


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