
True Narcissism and the Underdeveloped President

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
By Douglas V. Gibbs

Narcissism has become the order of the day in our society. We have taught our children to believe they are the best, can't do no wrong, and we bend over backwards to keep from hurting their poor little feelings; then when they get to adulthood they find out that life is a harsh journey. As adults all of that self-esteem crap means nothing, and they find out that because they were never allowed to fail, or face consequences, they are incapable of defending themselves emotionally. As a result we have seen an uptick in suicides, and violence. Another key consequence has been narcissism to a level we have never experienced before.

During the Casey Anthony trial, where the woman is accused of killing her own child, whenever her child was mentioned Casey remained stone faced - but when Casey was talked about, such as when she was called a liar, she broke out in tears.

The life of Casey Anthony is all about Casey Anthony. The answers to the questions in her life is "whatever benefits Casey most." She has become so narcissistic that she cannot see the difference between right and wrong anymore.

This kind of narcissism exists throughout our society. The younger generation spends all of their time using language to make themselves look big, not realizing their self-gratiating language actually makes them look small.

It goes beyond the old "ten foot tall and bullet proof" teenage attitude. It has become an epidemic that has erupted into violence in our cities worse than we have seen before. We think we are bigger than we are. Tougher than we are. We demand respect that we are unwilling to give any respect.

The worst cases of this kind of narcissism believe they have it all figured out, but while they think they are the brightest star in the room, they also believe they live in a world of morons - superiority complex gone wild. And when they don't get what they want, they lash out, or become cry babies about it.

Our underdeveloped president is a great example.

Obama has led nothing. He has no experience. He was a community organizer, and a Senator that voted "present" most of the time. I don't even think he ever ran a lemonade stand. And since he has never been the head of anything, nor has made any decisions of which he could blame others regarding the outcome, Obama has never had to pay the consequences for his political decisions, and he's not about to now. He talks to his opponents as if he is their superior, scolding the Republicans as if he is not to be questioned. Obama sees himself as a ruler, not a servant of the people.

During his recent press conference he came across as a ten-year old yelling at the class for picking on him, and then proclaiming to be the smartest kid in the room.

He is nothing of the sort.

Obama blames others in times of failure, and claims full credit when he believes something has succeeded.

Obama is hellbent on raising taxes, and if the GOP refuses to go along, he simply claims the Republicans are trying to sabotage the economy. We are experiencing the destruction of the U.S. Economy by Obama and the Democrats, and as they did to get Obama elected, they are pointing fingers at everyone but themselves. In fact, every time Obama claims the problems are the result of "the last ten years," it is apparent that he still blames Bush for everything (despite the fact that during the Bush years this nation experienced great prosperity, and the economy didn't fail until the liberals gained control of Congress).

The misery we are experiencing is not the fault of anyone but Obama and the Democrats. This is what happens when unfettered liberalism has control for a couple years.

Obama has even gotten to the point where he believes he is above even needing to talk to the GOP. He recently snubbed McConnell and the Senate Republicans, saying that it was a "conversation not worth having."

He must think he's above talking to what he considers to be the little people.

He wasn't even willing to talk with Congress, or his military leaders, before running to the UN and NATO to get involved in Libya.

When one believes he should have ultimate power, the advice of others is something ignored.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commetnary

Adult Baby Syndrome - Human Events

White House snubs McConnell invitation to Obama - Reuters

Excited by power, Obama ignores legal restraints - Washington Examiner

Taxing the Rich Won't Increase Revenues - National Review

The Truth About Tax Cuts - Heritage Foundation

Obama's Pants on Fire - Heritage Foundation

Obama presses GOP lawmakers to accept tax increases as part of deal to cut deficits - Newser

Obama: Republican Leaders Must Bend on Taxes - New York Times

Obama's Absurd Press Conference - Rush Limbaugh

Transcript of Obama News Conference - Wall Street Journal

How Destructively Disingenuous Can They Get? - Right Side News


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