
A True Conservative Is Capable of Winning the Presidential Election

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The argument that a Conservative cannot win the Presidency is nothing new.

The media says:

". . . it has been an article of faith among politicians and political analysts that no candidate can win a U.S. presidential election unless he can dominate the broad center of the spectrum, that all candidates on the edges of the left or right are doomed. Barry Goldwater's "extremism . . . is no vice" campaign of 1964 provides the classic evidence, reinforced by George McGovern's 1972 defeat in 49 out of 50 states. . . relies upon a base of support that is on the far right wing of the Republican Party, some experts have long declared that if he wins the nomination, the G.O.P. would simply be repeating the suicidal Goldwater campaign. . . 'A very conservative Republican cannot win in a national election.'"

By the way, above is not a recent article about the 2012 election. It is from a Time Magazine article way back in 1980 about the unelectability of Ronald Reagan.

In fact, the article gave Reagan no chance, quoting opinion polls that showed Carter leading Reagan by an margin of about 25%. They also claimed only more moderate Republicans had a chance against Carter.

Sound familiar?

Some people, back in 1980, were not fully fooled by the media: "People like what Reagan's saying about the economy, about foreign policy. He's offering simple solutions and that's what people want." and "To dismiss Ronald Reagan as a right-wing nut would be a very serious error—for us or anybody else."

In truth, the liberal left is launching the same attacks and strategies they did in 1980, and like then, they are fully convinced that the more conservative the candidate, the better chance the democrats have to either win, or to destroy the GOP forever with a failed conservative president.

The real loons say they are rooting for people like Bachmann or Palin.

Be careful what you wish for. There were loons just like you back in 1980 saying the same about Reagan. . . and we remember what happened there, don't we?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Nation: But Can Reagan Be Elected? - Time Magazine


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